Is Lady Starlight a bitch?
I shall leave it to you to decide. Following you will find copies of the two posts which started the whole Moody Bitch incident.
January 21, 2004
My Confession!
Hello, everyone. I am Lady Starlight Jabs, and I'm an image thief! Of course, I don't really see it that way. I'm still in denial. I was not aware that photos taken by amatuer photographrers and posted on message boards were something that could be stolen. I thought that photos which got posted on message boards were supposed to be there to be shared. I even could have sworn that the terms and conditions of message boards and website hosts hosts all said that if you do not want others to take your stuff, you should not post it! These photos also bear no legal copyright notice, just the photographers made up signature scrawled across them in some place which makes them harder than hell to edit. Why do these people not claim copyright? Here is my theory...
These photos were not taken legally. Think about it. Don't all concert venues have a no flash photography rule? There's a good reason for it too. It's damned rude to take flash pictures of anyone while s/he is performing on stage. If these talentless bitches had ever been on stage performing, they would understand why. Which brings us to my next objection, why these bitches don't like others saving their images...
These women obviously have no REAL jobs so they must find a way to fund their attendance of every concert given in the known world by their favorite band! How do they do this? Why by selling those not so legal photos that they have taken! I wonder... are they giving the guys in the band a cut of their profits, other than the money they spend on all of those concert tickets? I expect not, and THAT seems incredibly wrong to me. It is, after all, these guys' images that they are selling for profit.
Without further ado, here is one of my (supposedly) stolen and edited images.

Take that, Moody Bitches!
January 22, 2004
Get A Life, Moody Bitch!
I was just sitting around, contemplating posting a lovely picture of my favorite concubine, Matthias Jabs, when I noticed it...the number of hits on my blog has increased dramatically. Mine is a humble little blog, read usually only by my close friends and a few people who are directed here by the weirdness of the Google search engines. It is very seldom indeed that I get more than ten or twelve hits in one day, so I was decidedly curious when my hit counter displayed that I had more than fifty visitors today! I logged into my counter account to see just who these people are who are responsible for my sudden burst of popularity. Imagine my surprise to discover that six of the last ten of my hits had come from the same IP! A little bit of investigating, and I discover that it is none other than the Moody Bitch! Geez, lady, you must really have no life. Does it really bring you pleasure to read over and over again that I think you are a brainless idiot?! You must be really proud of your stupidity. Quick, email my URL to all of your friends (if you have any) so that they can read all about how stupid you are. I don't mind. I appreciate the extra traffic!
But, that is enough ranting. It's time to get back to the finer things in life, and this one is quite fine indeed!

So, there you have it. I admit that I didn't talk very nicely about the lady and her friends, but I never invited her to come to read these posts. She chose to do so on her own. This is my personal weblog. It was written to be read by my friends and family members. It is filled with my thoughts and opinions. If she didn't like them, she could simply have chosen not to come back. She chose instead to visit these posts over and over. She has even bookmarked my site. Have I in some way forced her to do that? Most certainly not! Is it any wonder that I think that she is insane?
Another interesting thing is the fact that I never mentioned who the Moody Bitches were or the name of the message board that they frequent. Certainly, I did post a photo that I found on that board, but it is highly edited. It could conceivably have come from any message board for Moody Blues fans. Don't tell me that she is arrogant enough to think that she and her cronies are the only Moody Blues fans who own a message board!
This brings to mind another point. I have never invaded her peronal webspace. She may or may not have a personal website. I don't know, and quite frankly, I don't care! I have never attempted to conact her personally in any way, not by email, IM program, or message board(That's right. I have never posted on the message board from whence the photos come. I don't even have an account there to do so). I don't like the lady (or her friends, for that matter), so why on earth would I want to have discourse with her? I wish only that she would afford me the same treatment. She has left nasty comments on this blog, on the blogs of my friends and acquaintences, and in the guestbooks of my Fotolog and Matthias Jabs shrine. Thank heaven that all of these have block and delete features! And she says that I have done something to her! I sure as hell would like to know what it is that I have done. Is it merely my mention of Moody Bitches in my posts that offends her so? Then, as I stated before, she should stay the hell away from my blog. I also hereby grant her permission to say whatever she wishes about me in her own personal webspace! She thinks that I'm a fat, ugly slut. Hey, she's entitled to her opinion. She can post it all she wants on her own blog or message board or whatever. I certainly won't be stopping by to read it! Let her and the other Moody Bitches have a laugh at my expense, I don't care as long as it is not done on my website or in my name.
So, I ask once again, "Who is the real bitch here?"
Most certainly it is not me!
Post Script To The Bitch Herself
But if you would like to know how big of a bitch I can be, just do one more thing. Attempt to contact me in any way, place another nasty comment on someone's blog using my name or anything else of that sort and I will post your IP addresses (all five of them) here in bold type for every hacker in the world to see!
If you call me a bitch, I will be one for you...
In a very big way, for I like to do things in a big way. I will not be just an ordinary bitch because

Look that one up in your German-English dictionary!