How about if we try something different this week? OK, how many different words can you make using the letters in this phrase?
First we have the obvious... Monday Madness Rocks Day Mad Rock
Then come the others... Made Drama Dare Dear Read Red Mare Dream Smock Dock Docks Mocks Dreams Names Manes Means Mane Mean Name Man Men Roan More Moan Manor Manners Manner Score Cores Core Domes Dome Dames Dame Dams Dam Socks Sock Masks Mask Asks Ask Damask Damn Smear Years Year Ears Ear Sear Are Scares Scare Cares Care Cars Scar Car Randy Sandy Sand Candy Cans Scan Can Sands None Done Node Does Dose Doe Odes Ode Modes Mode Comes Come Some Moss Dads Dad Moms Mom Dean Crams Scram Cram Creams Screams Scream Cream Endear Coarse Cranes Crane Races Race Aces Ace Mace Scam
There are probably a lot more that I havent found, but this is still a lot of words!!! I can't wait to see what everyone else found!