Well, judging by the messages left on my previous post, my sister has let you all know that it is my *cough* birthday. The title of this post should give you a clue as to which one it is. I prefer calling it "Buy Me A Present Day." The whole aging thing just doesn't sit well with me, but thanks for all of your thoughtful wishes.
I got my first birthday surprise yesterday at work. I was casing my mail as usual when Lois, one of our clerks, told me to stop working, there was an emergency. Befuddled, I followed her to the break room where I discovered my fellow employees gathered around a cake that said, "Happy Birthday, Deb." On it was a candle in the shape of a question mark. A good choice, since I refuse to age past 29. Everybody sang to me and I blew out the candles and made a wish...
Alas, no beautiful German men appeared behind me!
The cake was good though, chocolate with whipped cream icing, just the way I like it.
Today, Andrea and I headed off to Pittsburgh for a day of photography and food. We got plenty of both. There is so much delicious food in the city. It's difficult to choose a place to start. And the Christmas decorations in the city are out of this world. Watch my photoblog and flickr pages for the piccies. We also did a bit of shopping in Kaufmann's in Downtown Pittsburgh. That place hasn't changed much in the past twenty-five years. It can still suck me in and make me spend tons of money. My purchases included a "moody blue" sweater with a black faux fur collar, a hot pink and black chenille sweater, a moss green lacy blouse, and a pair of black Liz jeans. My wallet is empty now. Happy birthday to me!
Another bright spot in the day is that no one bothered me about the Great American Smoke Out today. I don't know whether they quit having it this year or whether they moved it to a different day, but I was quite relieved not to have anyone pestering me about my bad habit on my birthday. I swear that those people scheduled the thing that way just to annoy me. I'll quit when I WANT to quit, and not a moment before. now go pester someone else...
But he doesn't have to deal with that crap, does he? He doesn't live here with all of the health obsessed freaks in America. Smart man, he is...
It's a moot point anyway, since no one pestered me, but this rant has been brewing for a long time, so I said, "What the hell, I'll do it anyway!"