1. Name one productive thing you accomplished this past weekend. I don't know how productive this was, but I was able to purchase several CDs that I had been wanting, two recent releases and these two older ones...
Skid Row
2. Name two things that you look forward to doing. Seeing The Moody Blues in Cincinnati on October 29.
and taking lots of pretty pictures while I am away!
3. Name three things that gross you out. Marie Hayward, Beate Jabs, and Gabi Meine. EWWWWWW!!!
4. Name four things that you normally do on a daily basis. While trying to think of answers for this I discovered that I take at least one day a week off from doing most things. The notable exceptions are: bathing, brushing my teeth, blogging, eating, and sleeping.
5. Name five things that you own that you think you could get rid of and not miss. My chubby chick clothes, they're much too big now anyway! Maybe I could give them to Ann. No, they'd be much too small to fit on HER fat ass! My old film cameras. Who needs them! Digital is so much better. The old Nissan that's living in our garage. The problem is that although it is in decent shape and probably will still run, no one else wants it either! My VCR. It hasn't been connected since I got a new television last year. Although I technically dont OWN this, the fifth thing would have to be "the estranged one." He's only good for one thing, and I'm quite certain that I could get it from someone better if I didn't have him tying me down!