There once was a meme called What's On ... Right Now? It's been a while since that site has been closed, but it has inspired the following 3 questions...
1. What's on your computer desk? In addition to the expected computer and peripherals, there are several CDs, my coffee mug, some neopets plushies, an ashtray, and... Oh, hell, my desk is a cluttered mess that desperately needs to be cleaned!
2. What does your computer desktop background look like?
Note that I keep my few desktop shortcuts on the right of the screen. I'm right-handed, it only makes sense. Now someone tell that to Microsoft, 'cos all new shortcuts put themselves on the left. Hmmm... I wonder... Is Bill Gates left-handed?
3. What's on your agenda for the upcoming week? Work, excercise at Curves, eat, play on the computer, sleep... More of the same old same old...