Isn't it funny how all of our problems begin with MEN?!
Truer words were never printed on a keychain. I carried that one around with me for a long time. Its lost somewhere now, but its words popped into my mind due to some weird things that have started to happen to me this past month, things concerning the last two MEN words. It is scaring me a bit, but I know that when a friend of mine went to her doctor about something similar last year, all he did was remind her of her age.
Menopause, that's a dirty word in my vocabulary. It implies getting old, something that I steadfastly refuse to do. I don't need anyone telling me that this is just something that happens when you're in your 40s. I'm permanently 29, goddammit!This whole menopause thing just isn't on my agenda. Make it go away. I don't want it!
Excuse me, this is just the hormones, or lack thereof, messing with my mind. I want to scream. I want to cry. I want a shoulder to cry on, but there is none here. "The estranged one" miraculously disappeared when he found out he wasn't getting any today, if you catch my drift.
MEN! Grrrr....
Maybe a nice Hump Day Hunk will send my hormones soaring back to an appropriate level.