I was innocently watching television the other day when I saw it, an automobile ad that seemed to be written expressly for me. I am not usually moved by such things. Advertisers are usually telling me about how roomy (I'm 5' 1", I don't need much room), powerful (gas guzzling), or family friendly (my car is for ME, not my family) their client's automobiles are. I am not impressed by any of this. But the makers of the commercial that I saw had something just a little bit different to entice me, a ten speaker, state of the art, stereo system! Hearing of this, I began to drool. I definitely want this car that comes with an incredible stereo system as a "not so standard option." (That's what they called it) I'm quite certain that it is available in red. There is only one problem (other than the fact that I probably can't afford it). I was so busy drooling that I missed the mention of what make and model of car it was! Has anyone seen this commercial? Please help me. I want to know who makes the car of my dreams...
Wait, I jest. THIS is truly the car of my dreams...
Gotta love those Hump Day Hunks as hood ornaments! They are one of this car's not so standard opions, aren't they?!