This time I'm letting loose my not so inner snark for the things that amuse me...
Removing the ugly marks from photographs of The Moody Blues Especially if some wanker is trying to sell them on EBay!
Damn! You should've seen the nasty sign that was on this one when I obtained it. "Scanned for EBay only," it said. Well, screw you, Mr. Moody Wanker. I have removed your ugly sign and EBay's little camera, enhanced the quality of the photo, and taken the image size up to 800 pixels in width. (Click the picture for the full sized file.) Now anybody who visits this blog can save it and have 4x6 prints made of it for what? About $.29 at WalMart! And guess what! You can size this puppy up to 1600 pixels and still not lose resolution, so getting 8x10 prints of it is not out of the question!
Men who don't have the guts to say what they really mean
One of my male customers told me how much he liked my haircut the other day. Now, I could see where his eyes were looking and it was nowhere near my head! Why didn't he just say what he really meant? "Damn, woman! Those are some mighty big boobs you've got there!" It would have been a refreshing bit of honesty. Did he seriously think that I couldn't see where his eyes were pointed?
People who read their own utility meters
These folks are SO worried about saving a few pennies this month by avoiding an estimated bill, but yet they throw away twelve cents each time they return the reading postcards by placing a letter rate stamp on them. Buy some postcard stamps, people! They aren't going to give me any raises because you put too much postage on your mail.
The Family Table
Perhaps you've seen all of those public service announcements on Nickelodeon and TV Land promoting family togetherness at dinnertime. They claim that children who eat their meals together with their families are less likely to smoke, drink alcohol, and do drugs. Really?! I guess that I'm the exception to the rule, because our family always ate dinner together when I was a kid and I smoke, I drink, and I have even *GASP* smoked a joint upon some rare occasions...