1. I wish I had moretime. Thirty-six hours in a day might be enough!
2. I usually think about changing my blog layout whenhell freezes over. I really like the layout that I have now. I may add or subtract a thing or two on occasion, but I have no desire to do any major changes to it.
3. If more people would betolerant, the world would be a better place. No expaination needed for this one.
4. I really shoulddo my laundrymore often. I always seem to wait until there are no clean clothes to do it!
5. The weather we're having right now isweird. Sunny one minute, snowing the next. Warm weather one day, freezing temperatures another!
6. When it's time to plant a garden, I'd like to plantnothing at all. Lady Starlight has a "brown thumb." If I plant it, it dies! It is best for me to leve the gardening to someone else.
7. When I'm running late, I sometimes forget todo many things. There is not enough space here to list the many things that I forget to do when I'm in a hurry!
8. When I can't think of anything to blog about, I usuallytake a quiz. Blogthings is usually a good place to find one.