Today we get to have our brunch twice!
First up is...
"Fathers send their sons to college either because they went to college or because they didn't."
~ L.L. Henderson ~
1. Did you go to college?
I attended Duquesne University in Pittsbugh for four and a half semesters, then I quit to remain with my boyfriend who was moving out of state. BIG mistake! All that he ever did was make promises that he couldn't keep.
2. Did you live in a dorm or an apartment?
The rent for apartments in Pittsburgh was outrageous! I stayed in a dorm.
3. Who was your favorite roommate?
I never much cared for having a roommate, but Debbie Ross and I had a lot of fun when we roomed together. Our favorite thing to do was to answer the phone as follows:
"Hello! You have reached Debbie's room. Which Debby do you want?"
(I've alternated the spellings of the name, since we each spelled it differently)
4. What is your favorite college sport?
I've always been a football fan, but Duquesne's team never was any good. It still isn't, twenty odd years later!
The school is usually noted for its excellent basketball team, but I find that sport particularly boring...
5. Who was your favorite professor and class?
Dr. Ruth Biro was a real trip! The lady could create an analogy for anything using cloves! Yes, I said cloves! Her class was always amusing, to say the least. I believe it was called Principles Of Education, or something like that. It's been a long time...
Now on to brunch #2!
The Ocean
"I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."
~ Isaac Newton ~
1. Have you ever swam in the ocean? If so, which ones?
I've never actually swum in the ocean, but I have waded in The Atlantic.
2. Have you ever been snorkeling or scuba diving?
That wouldn't be a very good idea for me since I can't swim, at least not very well...
3. Do you like traveling by boat and have you ever?
Lady Starlight gets seasick on a rubber raft in a swimming pool!

I avoid travelling by boat whenever possible, although I have done it on occasion.
4. Do you believe that Atlantis existed?
It's most likely a legend, but you never know. It could have existed...
5. If you could live on the coast of any of the oceans, which ocean and which coast?
I'd live along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in New Jersey. That way I could be close to the boardwalk, and the casinos, and the pretty lights!