Yes, this musical meme has been passed to me by The Music Whore because I'm an evil big sister who forgot to look up the number for Ticketmaster, thereby preventing us from seeing Elvis Costello in Atlantic City next month. Bad, bad, Lady Starlight!
What five bands/artists (past or present) would be your ideal concert line up and why?
Act One: Neil Young

I've always loved his music. He puts on a great show, too! I've seen him in concert twice. Neither time was a disappointment. The Garage Band tour with Crazy Horse was the best. I loved those giant cockroaches on the stage!
Act Two: The Beatles

I'm going to bring George and John back from the dead just to play in this show. I was just a little girl when the band was together and touring, so I never had an opportunity to see them live (although I did see Paul McCartney in concert once).
Act Three: The Moody Blues

I've seen them in concert three times so far, unfortunately not before Ray left the band. I think I'll have to find a way to coerce him into playing at my special show.
Act Five: Def Leppard

And I'm going to bring Steve Clark back from the dead, too! I never had an opportunity to see them while he was alive.
The Headliner
C'mon, you really can't be in doubt as to who this is going to be!
Act Five: The Scorpions!

As long as the band line-up includes these three lovelies, I'll be in hog heaven!
Pick an artist/band and select five songs. Why are these your five favorite songs?
The Artist: Neil Young
Fooled you with that one, didn't I?!
The Songs:
1. Heart Of Gold. This song is absolutely beautiful in its simplicity. It was one of the very first songs that I learned to play and is inevitably the first song I play upon picking up a guitar!
2. Like A Hurricane. The guitar riffs on this song are absolutely incredible and the lyrics bring back memories of a happier time...
"Once I thought I saw you in a crowded hazy bar
Dancing on the light from star to star..."
3. Cinnamon Girl. I had red hair for the longest time, just because I wanted to be the cinnamon girl!
4. Sample And Hold. An incredible piece of techno-snark. Neil tells it like it is!
5. Long May You Run. You've just gotta love this song that Neil wrote in memory of his very first car!
Which five songs have unpleasant associations and why?
There's a funny thing about me and unpleasantness, I block it right out of my mind! The only song that I can think of that evokes unpleasant memories is Elton John's I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues. Damn and blast you, Tom, for ruining that song for me by singing it to me after every fight that we ever had.
Do I make myself clear on that Thomas Jeffrey Hobbs?! No, your name is NOT Tom Daniels, nor is it Jack Daniels! Are you still suffering from that silly identity crisis? Get fucking over it!
There! I guess that one song has enough unpleasant associations for five songs. Sorry about the rant...
Which artist/band was your first crush?
The Beatles, of course. I don't think that any female who was alive during the sixties didn't have a crush on at least one of them! I fell in love with Ringo at the tender age of about three! A crush on Paul came a few years later, amid rumors that he was dead. I didn't learn to love George until much later, but I still love him to this day. I refuse to accept the fact that he's dead!
How many albums/CDs of this artist/band did you buy?
As many as I could/can get my grubby paws on! I've got CDs, vinyl 45s and LPs, cassette tapes, I may even have a thing or two by them (including their solo works) on 8 track!
Did you ever see him/them in concert?
No, I was much to young to go to concerts in the sixties, but I did see Paul McCartney in concert, as I stated earlier.
Do you still have memorabilia of them?
Hell, yeah! I've still got the program from the McCartney concert, VHS tapes of Help! and Hard Days Night, some books and calendars, and a book of guitar music for their songs.
Who gets to do this next?
Khushrenada 13, because his blog could use some updating and I KNOW he's lurking around somewhere. Do this meme or feel my wrath!
Raymond, because I'm his mom and I like to do evil things to him!
Any random visitor who is feeling bored and needs a good meme!
Please tag me or leave a comment so that I can see the joy that was passed on with this meme!