The mail count is over. Our postmaster tabulated the results and reported them to us yesterday. The good news was that my route went up in evaluation. Woot! I'm going to make a bit more money. The bad news was that it didn't go up enough to get me a relief day at least every other week. WAAAAH! I've been working six days a week with only Sundays, holidays and my twenty vacation days off for the past seven years. My sanity is wearing awfully thin.
Getting weekends off, even using vacation days, is a pain in the butt for me, since I do not have a sub of my own. They gave Randy to "Princess Tracy" when her sub quit. (Don't get me started on a Tracy rant. God save me from tall, skinny, even tempered bitches. But, I like her. Really, I do!)
I feel as though I have been sentenced to one more year in postal prison with no chance of parole! If only I had a cell mate who looked like this...