First of all, choose a letter of the alphabet. Now, choose a number 1-10.
Got a letter? M
Got a number? 8
Here's this week's challenge:
Using the letter you chose, write down (number you chose) things that describe the current season where you live.
1. Many people take off to Florida during this season because the weather is so much nicer there than it is here.
2. Mail count now occurs during the winter months, giving me hope that I could possibly get a relief day (or at least a bit more on my paycheck) in the not so distant future.
3. Michael (my youngest son) was born on a bleak winter day in January thirteen years ago!
4. March is said to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. Funny but it always seems to tease us by working the other way around!
5. My children were both born in the winter months. Ray's birthday is March first.
6. It would be nice to have Matthias Jabs to keep me warm during these cold winter days!
You just knew I had to work him in here somehow, didn't you?!
7. Making hot cocoa is a good way to warm up when you're chilled to the bone.
8. Money is in short supply at this time of year due to exceptionally high heating bills!