1. How many clocks (not watches) are in your home? How many of them are digital? How many do you really look at during the day? There are about four clocks in my house, only one of which is set properly and keeping time. I look at it once or twice a day, but I am much more likely to check the time on my computer or TV.
2. How many lamps (non-overhead lights) do you have in your home? What's your average wattage? Are any of them energy saver bulbs? I have lots of lamps, and just like the clocks, most of them aren't working! The decorative one by my computer uses a 20 watt bulb, and the table lamp in the living room has a 75 watt bulb. That's about it for functional lamps. The rest are in the basement waiting to be tossed out in the trash. I buy my light bulbs at the dollar store, so none of them are energy savers.
3. How many house plants do you have in your home? How many need more attention than you give them? I gave up on house plants a long time ago. The ones that I didn't kill with neglect got eaten by my dog!!!
4. How many photos/pictures/drawings/child's art are on your walls? How many from each of the four categories? Well, I do have my favorite photo of Matthias Jabs hanging on the wall in this room.
The only other things hanging on my walls are plaques with witty or inspirational sayings on them. Artwork made by my children was always displayed on the refrigerator, but they're too old for that now.
5. About how many electric gadgets are in your kitchen? How many are used on a daily basis? How many are used occasionally? How many have been used once and stashed? How many have never been used? Too damned many! Every time I hear of some new gadget, I just HAVE to buy one, coffee makers, food processors, George Foreman grills.... Most have been used once or twice then left in the cupboard to collect dust. My microwave and toaster are the only electric gagets that see any action.