I am one of The Certifiable Wenches. It is a blog that is shared with my sister and several other friends. The blog itself is my sister's brainchild. Although I can post and fiddle with the template, I have no control over the outside features on this site such as comments, tag boards, counters, etc. I cannot delete anything contained in these areas. I have neither the usernames nor the passwords to do so.
And since certain people are so concerned about my marital non-status, I'd like to clear the air. He did NOT leave me. I threw his fucking ass out when he got himself fired from his very good job and refused to look for another. The lazy bastard expected me to support him, and I still am, in a way, doing just that. I just don't have to look at his lazy butt every day!
As for the white trash slut that he has taken up with, I really don't give a shit! I just want a divorce. You see, I respect my marriage vows. I've had plenty of offers, but until "the estranged one" and I have our marriage dissolved, I do not feel free to accept any of them.
There are plenty of mirrors in the world. I can look into any one of them and see that although I may not be thin, I most certainly am not ugly. It's a shame that certain other people can't do the same...
Oooo... I am SO looking forward to the comments I'm going to have to delete on this post.
To quote Pat Benetar: "Hit me with your best shot Fire away!"