Auld Lang Syne
1. What are your New Year's resolutions for 2005?
Given as how well I did keeping last year's resolutions, I've decided not to make any this year. There is no sense making promises that you're not going to keep.
2. Did you make resolutions last year and did you keep them?
I didn't call them resolutions, but I did make a few last year. I didn't successfully keep a single one of them.

3. What did you do this year on New Year's Eve to celebrate, if anything?
I did the same thing that I have been doing on New Year's Eve for as long as I can remember. I sat at my parents' house and watched that stupid ball drop on TV and ate hamburgers.
How do I handle all of that excitement?!

4. Is there any one thing that you hope happens by next New Year's Day?
Realistically, I hope to be a free woman by the end of the year.
Unrealistically, I'd like to be able to say that I've spent some quality time with this man...

5. Describe your most memorable New Year's Eve or New Year's Day.
The most memorable thing that ever happened on New Year's for me occurred in 1970 when my aunt, uncle, and cousin were murdered in their home during the night.
Ain't my life grand?!