Monday Music Mambo
"End of the Year Madness"
1. What was the best album released in 2004?
The Scorpions' Unbreakable

2. What was the best single released in 2004?
Single... What's a single? Those pretty much went out with vinyl, didn't they? The two best songs on Unbreakable are Deep And Dark and Love 'Em Or Leave 'Em. That would fulfill the good old concept of a single...
3. What new (or new to you) artist did you discover this year?
Bernie Barlow, who sings backup for The Moody Blues is also damned good as a solo artist. You can purchase her Golden CD on her website. You really should check it out. It's fantastic!
4. What was the best video made this year?
Terri Clark's Girls Lie Too. Not only is it a great song, but the video featuring an immitation Captain Jack Sparrow is positively hilarious.
5. What was the best concert you attended this year?
The Moody Blues in Atlantic City on June 19, 2004.

6. What was the musical scandal that amused you most?
News flash! It has been discovered that Justin Hayward of The Moody Blues is actually married to a dead woman, but due to his recent sinus infection he has failed to bury her as he is unable to smell her dead rotting flesh...

7. What song or album that you discovered this year would you recommend to us?
See my answer to question #1. It is truly one of the best Scorpions albums ever! It also contains lots of added extras if you pop it in your computer.
Here's one of them...