This week there is another double helping of Sunday Brunch!

Christmas Brunch
"A turkey never voted for an early Christmas."
~ Irish proverb ~
1. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Silent Night (Stille Nacht). It was originally written to be accompanied by guitar because the organ in the church was broken. That could be the reason I like it so. I am often caught singing it in German, although I have forgotten some of the lyrics. Can anybody help me out here?
2. Do you send Christmas cards?
I am a mail carrier. I don't send Christmas cards, I deliver them! My friends with computers will find cute e-cards in their inboxes on Christmas day though.
If I have forgotten you this year, please accept my appologies. It has been a tough year all around.
3. Artificial or real Christmas trees?

It's artificial, obviously. I can't stand the thought of killing a beautiful pine tree just to have it sit in my living room for a few weeks.
4. What is your favorite Christmas décor? (ie, trees, snowmen, stockings, Santa)
I prefer a religious motíf.

Nativity scenes are my favorite. I have a small collection of them, although the one in the photo is not a part of it.
5. Do you attend any religious services on Christmas?
I try to attend. I don't always make it, but I will attend services sometime during the Christmas celebration which lasts until the feast of the epiphany on January sixth.

Laundry Brunch
"An income tax form is like a laundry list -- either way you lose your shirt."
~ Fred Allen ~
1. Do you use fabric softener or softener sheets?
When my drier is working, I use softener sheets. When it is not, I use nothing. Remembering to add softener during the rinse cycle is a pain and those little softener balls never seem to work properly.
2. Do you dry clean clothes on a regular basis?
I can't even remember the last time I took an article of clothing to the dry cleaners. I try not to by things that require dry cleaning.
3. Do you do laundry as it piles up or do you wait until you are out of clean clothes?
I do a little bit of both, depending on how tired I am on during the week.
4. Do you use a clean towel every day for your shower or use the same one throughout the week?
I do not shower. My house has only a bath tub, so I don't have to answer this question!

5. Who does the laundry in your household?
I haven't taught Michael how to do it yet, so that leaves only me to do the laundry.