Brought to you by the ladies at Blogdrive Insanity!
Salutations, Holiday Humpers. Yes, the hump is back!
Today let's celebrate the United States National Firefighters Day which is celebrated by presidential proclamation to honor courageous firefighters everywhere. Firefighters of the world, BDI salutes you!
Firefighter ... hot ... Hump warm-up ... great segue, huh? As a warm-up this week let's do something a little different -- let's play "Liar, liar, pants on fire" BDI style. List three things about you -- two truths and one lie. This is your opportunity to reveal some of your more insane moments. Other humpers will try to guess what the lie is and post their guess in your comments. Reveal your lie a day after you've posted the hump. This is also a nice way to get around to your fellow humpsters to wish them a happy holiday season. Remember, we're all about sharing the love!
1. I once appeared semi-nude on stage when my skirt fell off during rehearsals for the play Anastasia.
2. Although I am capable of decyphering the written word in several languages, the only language that I can speak fluently is English.
3. My youngest son is named after a good friend's husband.
Can you spot the lie?
Now, after a brief absence, we return to you "the hump". Let's GO!
This week, some humping' good fun with free association or "I say ___, you think ___". The rules are easy as pie. Just copy and paste the words below into your blog and add your responses. (Respond with the first word, words, phrase that pops into your head. Or babble insanely - it's all good.) You need not be a member to play so let's all hump without delay!
1. frenzy: Feeding frenzy
2. traffic: Traffic light
3. stage: Star of stage and screen
4. gap: Fall into the gap!
5. jewel: Crown jewels
6. unexpected: Unexpected Song
7. powder: Take a powder!
8. stuffed: Stuffed animals
9. visions: Visions of sugar plums danced in their heads...
10. gilsten: Haven't we used this word a couple of times already?!
11. nip: Nip it in the bud!
12. golden: Bernie Barlow
13. chatter: It's cold. My teeth are chattering!

Yep, we can all use a little extra hump, can't we?
Think of your favorite Christams carol, story or poem. Reveal the title and/or a favorite line but HUMP IT UP! Example: From Jingle Bells "Oh what fun it is to hump in a one horse open sleigh."
'Twas the hump before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was humping, not even a mouse.
This hump has been brought to you by those oddballs at BDI who are one "la" short of "fa la la la la la la la la".