This week's Monday Madness is a potpourri of player contributed questions. If you wish to see the names of and links to the contributers, please visit the Monday Madness site.
And now, onto the questions...
1. Do you have a favorite 80's song? The rabid Scorpions fan has LOTS of favorite 80s songs.No One Like You, Passion Rules The Game, Rhythm of Love, Walking On The Edge, Wind Of Change, Rock You Like A Hurricane...
2. What's the biggest event in your life to date? Two similar events are tied for this honor. They would be the births of my two sons, now eighteen and twelve. God help me, I'm having a sappy mommy moment! Meeting John Lodge last November is a close second.
3. What's one more thing during your lifetime you would like to learn how to do well? Ummmm... make love to Matthias Jabs...
Yep, I want to learn to do that really well and really often!
4. What is your earliest childhood memory? Falling off a chair in my parents' bedroom. It figures that my earliest memory would be a painful one, quite literally.
5. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
6. Where, When and What is your favorite memory? My trip to Spain in 1980.
7. Do you fit in?
8. Tell me your favorite recipe then go to Recipe Swap and share it with all of us! How many times do I have to tell you people? Lady Starlight does not cook!