On Sunday, my sister, Michael and I headed off for some fun in the city of Pittsburgh. There was nothing unusual about this for my sister and me, but it was a first for my son, Michael.
Following is a brief photo history of our excursion, which started at Phipp's Conservatory.
Christmas trees and wreaths adorned Phipp's Consevatory for the annual Christmas flower show.
Many of the wreaths were quite different from the usual, using unexpected types of flowers and even vegetables!
After the show we warmed ourselves with peppermint flavored hot cocoa from Starbuck's.
Next we were off to the Oakland section of the city to take some more pictures of our favorite building.
Finally, it was off to the South Side for dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe which was also all decked out for Christmas.
Of course, I couldn't leave without purchasing this little Hard Rock angel bear for myself. She was just too cute to pass up!
A great time was had by all, even my recently hired sub who we bumped into while in the South Side. He was there for the Steelers' game, tailgating. Tee hee! The game hadn't even started yet and he was already lit more than a Christmas tree!