Friday Night Lights opens this weekend in theaters. So this week it's all about Football.
1. What's your favorite football movie? I loved the 1978 version of Heaven Can Wait in which Warren Beatty plays an LA Rams quarterback whose guardian angel removes him from this life a bit too soon. As a consolation he is put into another man's body which he struggles to make into what his original once was. A bit sappy, but cute.
2. Do you think films accurately portray foootball players? I doubt it. Movies are about entertainment, not accuracy. The real livves of most football players are probably just as boring and mundane as our own.
3. What football movie was so bad, so far fetched, so poorly acted, or so over dramatized that it was painful to watch? I've only seen a couple of football movies, and neither one of them was bad. Perhaps I should broaden my horizons...
BONUS~ If you were making a football film, what actor would you want to portray your star quarterback? The coach? I think that it would be fun to cast some young buff unknown as the quarterback, but the coach would absolutely have to be played by Craig T Nelson!