Brought to you by the ladies at Blogdrive Insanity!
This Hump Day we celebrate adventure, intrigue and romance. No, we're not talking about blog drama -- we're talking Soap Opera Day! October 6th marks the premiere of the first soap opera in 1946, The Faraway Hill. Let's all raise our box of bon-bons and say hip-hip-hooray for 58 years of the best escape from vacuuming, laundry and all other forms of domestic drudgery ... that is until blogging came along. And speaking of blogging .... let's warm up for some Wednesday Mind Humpin' !
In soap opera, everyone's "entrance" into a scene is accompanied by a song or sound effect -- If music or a sound effect played whenever you walked into a room, what would that sound effect be?
It should be obvious that I'd want the music played upon my entrance to be something by The Scorpions.

The real question is, which song? Passion Rules The Game would be a good choice, I think.
Put your thinkin' caps on -- it's time to do the Mind Hump. This week a little "getting to know you" fun with a crazy twist.
1. If you could have a compartment (like a glove compartment) installed on your person, where would you have it installed and what would you keep in it (other than things you would keep in your wallet or purse)?
I want to have my compartment installed in my tush! This way when someone gets mad and tells me to shove something up my arse, I can open my compartment and do exactly as he wishes without causing myself any pain!
2. A local university has asked you to teach a class about the one thing you know the most about. What would you be teaching and what would the name of the course be?
I know a little bit about everything and a lot about nothing! My mind is a storehouse of useless knowledge. This causes some people to think that I know a lot more than I really do. This would qualify me to teach the course Elementary Bullshitting 101: A Guide For Beginners.
3. Commercials ... they can make us laugh or can annoy the heck out of us. Tell us about your favorite commerical and/or a commercial you simple loathe.
Eat 'n Park, a local restaurant chain in the Pittsburgh area, shows a lovely ad every year at Christmastime. In it, a little star (Sparkle) tries to get to the top of the Christmas tree, but cannot. The tree bends over so that he can take his place at the top. The tree then straightens, lights, and sends out Christmas wishes to everyone from the folks at Eat 'n Park!
4. If we were to tiptoe into your room while you were sleeping, what position are we likely to find you in, on what side of the bed and are you a snorer, drooler, a sleep talker or sleep walker?
How the heck am I supposed to know what I do when I'm sleeping?! I'm asleep for crying out loud!
5. "Snips and snails and puppy dogs tails - that's what little boys are made of. Sugar and spice and everything nice - that's what little girls are made of." Besides those things mentioned above, what are some of things you personally might be made of?
No sugar
Some spice
Just a little bit nice
Sports cars
Dreams in jars
And lots of guitars...
That's what Lady Starlight is made of!
Until next week ...peace and humptiness forever from us flipped out females who have bats in our belfry.