Wheeee! It's Hump Day again! Hold on to your skivvies, kids, beause today we celebrate BOXER SHORTS Day! Today commemorates the day that the loose fitting underpants were introduced in 1901 though they didn't become wildly popular until the 1930s. World, meet boxer shorts -- boxer shorts, meet world. Let's be different -- let's celebrate something else instead -- something that's very important to Blogdrive Insanity and blogging in general -- the Internet's Birthday. YAY! This Friday, October 29, marks the day in 1969 that two college campuses linked up computers resulting in the birth of the internet as we know it thus enabling the creating of weblogs or 'blogs'. Whew! Thank goodness. Can you imagine a world without blogging? Scary, huh?
Let's warm up for today's hump -- using the letters S-U-R-F-I-N-G reveal what rewards the internet and blogging has brought into your life.
Surfing and blogging can help to keep my mind off my problems. Useful information can be found much more easily, useless information, too! Reading blogs is fun! Friends, old and new, can be found on the internet. I can peek into your lives through your blogs. You can peek into mine. No one can stop me from speaking my mind in blogland. Getting to know my fellow bloggers is a reward unto itself.
Damn, I'm being awfully sappy! I wonder if I'm sick...
Are you ready? Let's get Humpified!
Today some fun with free association or "I say ___, you think __". Below is a list of words. Respond with the first word, phrase, sentence that comes into your cwazy little heads. Or babble on if you like -- it doesn't matter what you do -- just have a humpin' good time!
1. layer: Seven layer burrito. Taco Bell, anyone?! 2. automatic: Automatic transmission, please. I can't drive a standandard! 3. restless: The natives are getting restless! 4. juggle: What I am always trying to do with my time. 5. powered: I am powered by caffein and nicotine! 5. compliment: I can never get enough of those, as long as they are genuine. 6. spew: My oldest son was a champion at this when he was a baby. 7. castle: Dracula lives in one of those. 8. freckles: Michael has 'em. Hates 'em, too! 9. dough: Cookie dough ice cream 10. style:Love American Style used to be one of my favorite TV shows. 11. bonus: Something that you never get when you work for the USPS! 12. green eggs and ham: I am Sam. Sam I am...
This hump has been brought to you by those wild and wacky women at BDI -- If sanity were gasoline, we wouldn't have enough to drive a dinky car around the inside of a Cheerio.