1. My sofa is the most used piece of furniture in my house.
2. The one electronic 'gadget' that I use most often is my computer, of course.
3. My favorite appliance, and the one I absolutely cannot live without is the microwave. Without it, I would never eat!
4. One thing that I thought I just HAD to have at one time, and I now barely ever use, is my Cloud Walker. It's an exercise machine. I really should use it more often!
5. I find it easiest to keep in touch with family and friends via face to face conversation or e-mail if they live far away.
6. I own more cd's (or other music media) than I do anything else in the whole wide world! I am assuming that this includes not only my CDs, vinyl albums, and cassete tapes, but also my guitars and keyboards...
7. All my important addresses are stored in/on my head. This is not a very reliable medium. I really need to put them into a file on my computer.
8. If I had to live without TWO keys on my keyboard, I would choose \| and `~. I don't think that I've ever used either one of these until now, except perhaps for decoration.
9. I probably own about three pieces of software that I haven't used in years. These would be the Pokémon and Rugrats print programs that I bought to make things for my kids. They have both outgrown that stuff now.
10. There are a few food items that I try NEVER to run out of, and those would be frozen dinners and coffee.