1. Do you or should you wear glasses or contact lenses? I've said this before. I don't need glasses. I need longer arms! But since my arms don't appear to be cooperating, I do own a pair of glasses.
2. What is your favorite type of footwear? None! I like to go barefoot, but if I am forced to wear shoes,I prefer sandals.
3. What is your worst habit? Oooo... I have so many bad habits! It is difficult to choose. I suppose that under today's guidelines of political correctness, my worst habit would be being a smoker.
4. Are you an average, so-so or very good cook? I don't cook very often. I hate cleaning the mess that this activity creates.When I do choose to cook, most people enjoy the dishes that I prepare, so I suppose that I am a fairly decent cook. If only someone would clean up after me...
5. Do you spend more time watching television, listening to music or surfing the internet? You do know that it is possible to surf the internet and listen to music at the same time, don't you?