TGIFF!! It's Friday once again! Are we ready for Furry Friday?!
1. Do your pets act differently when you don't feel well? If so, how? Only when I'm feeling really ill. They are more responsive to my moods than to my physical health, but when I am so sick that I stay in bed they will stay there with me.
2. How do you comfort your pet when it doesn't feel well?
I try to do what she wants me to do. If she comes to me looking for affection, I give it, but if she goes off and hides, I don't seek her out. No one, not even pets, wants to be pestered when she is ill!
3. What's the scariest health moment you ever had with a pet? My border collie, Layla, the most wonderful dog ever to live, was an epileptic. The first time she had a seizure, I was terrified. She panted, drooled, threw up, and generally lost control of all her bodily functions. I was certain she was going to die. I called my vet, but he was out of town. (It was the day after Thanksgiving.) Fortunately there was another vet that I was able to contact. She told me to bring my Layla immediately. By the time I got there, my dog was fine. She took several blood samples for testing. It was from these tests that we learned of Layla's condition. I was told to keep track of her seizures, but if they did not occur more frequently than once a month, it would not be necessary to medicate her. Layla lived for fourteen years. She only had seizures about twice a year after that first incident. I would hold her on my lap when they occurred, so that she wouldn't hurt herself. This was not always an easy task, considering her size, but I never minded. She was, after all, the most wonderful dog ever to live... I miss her.