I was sitting there, admiring the lovliness of the liner notes of my newly obtained copy of Unbreakable when I noticed it.
No, I am not referring to the fact that Matthias obviously really loves his guitar! If I owned a Gibson Explorer like that one, I'd be hugging it too! It was, rather, a discrepency in the authorship of the music for the song Deep And Dark that I noticed. In the track listings it states that the music for this song was written by Matthias Jabs, but on the lyric sheet it says that it was written by Rudolf Schenker. Obviously there is a misprint in one of the listings, but the question remains, "Who really did write the music?" I tend to think that it was probably Matthias Jabs, as I have never before seen him write lyrics to a song without writing at least some of the music.The music also has a certain feel to it that I associate with songs that he has written. If this is the case, I beg of you, Matthias, please don't unleash any squirrelly wrath upon your label. Do not call them incompetent, even though they are! These people just don't take kindly to things such as that, just ask Justin Hayward. He unleashed his wrath about some misprints that his record label had made and now the re-issue date on some of his works are continually being pushed back further and further. Coincidence? I think not! The American release date for Unbreakable is already ridiculously late at June 22. Don't tempt the execs to make it any later. Let me do your ranting for you! And if, perchance it was you who wrote the music, Rudolf, I beg of you to heed the same advice!