The weekend started out good enough. My sister and I went to see Van Helsing again. Why shouldn't we? The movie was great and full of oh-so-pretty men. Just look at Dracula. He can drink my blood any time he wants!
And then there is that cute little I'm-not-a-monk-I'm-just-a-friar, called Carl. The character is just so adorable and witty. You gotta love him! And, oh yes, he is played by this totally gorgeous babe.
David Wenham!
After the movie we bought some more clothes at my favorite store, Dots. Next, we had dinner at Garfield's. Quite an enjoyable way to spend the evening.
But, all good things come with a price. On Sunday the weekend turned to shit! The graduation reception that our church had for the 2004 graduates, of which my oldest son is one, was incredibly boring, the food was awful, and I looked like a big fat cow in every picture taken of my son and me. ARRH!! But this is not the worst of it. When I got home on Sunday evening, I turned on my HP desktop. All seemed to be well until it started to make a horrible clicking noise. Everything froze completely. Pressing control, alt, delete produced no result other than to turn the screen totally black! I shut it down manually. I restart. ACK! More clicking! The operating system cannot be found. I get out my trusty system restore disk, thinking that it will solve the problem (Bye-Bye, program files!). It was not to be. The hard drive could not be found! The damned thing is deader than a can of Spam!!!