Once again, I'm doing this particular meme a day late, but it is a good one. I just couldn't pass on doing it!
Words You Say...
1. The word you know how to say in many different languages... I know a smattering of phrases in several different languages, but I am fluent in none other than English. The phrase that I know in the most languages is "Good Night." Spanish - Buenas Noches German - Gute Nacht French - Bonne Nuit Italian - Buona Notte
2. Your favorite word to say... There is a plethora of long obscure words that I enjoy using, but I suppose that my favorite among them would be (You guessed it!), "Plethora."
3. The word you love to hear... Does anyone ever hear the words "I love you" often enough? On a lighter note, I love to hear Klaus Meine attempt to say any English word that begins with a "W". "The veak vill fall, the strong remain..." It makes me giggle!
4. The word you are always embarassed to say... Definitely "sorry", because any time that I have to say it, I have done something embarassing.
5. The word you're constantly saying... Someone once asked me if I had ever been in the navy. When I inquired as to why he had asked such a question, he replied that I cuss like a sailor. I do not deny it. He was right. So, it stands to reason that the word that I say most often would be a naughty one. I suppose that it is probably the "granddaddy of all cuss words", the dreaded F-word! When I get angry, that one just flows right off my tongue, and that's the f*cking truth!