Yesterday was a harrowing workday. The weather was less than perfect, to put it mildly. I had Christmas cards coming out of my proverbial wazoo. All of the parcels were on steroids! When I finally got home from work, all that I wanted to do was sleep. I was exhausted. I told the boys that we would have to postpone our bi-weekly trip to Wal Mart. I was just too tired. This did not sit well with Mike. Little did I know that he would plot revenge on me for the postponement of the shopping outing...
After dinner I decided to relax and watch a bit of TV. As is usual on a long workday, I drifted off into La La Land. And so Mike's revenge began...
I was awakened from my brief nap by the ringing of my cell phone. By the time that I dig it out of my purse, the caller has hung up. I check my caller ID to see who has called. It displays no number, only a name, as though the caller was listed in my phone's memory. The name being displayed was Jack! WTF! I do NOT have Jack's number stored in my phone. Why the hell would I even want it? Confused, I scroll through the numbers in my phone's memory. Sure enough there is a listing in there for Jack. The number looks familiar, but I know that (Thank God) it is not Jack's. You see, Jack has bragged about his phone number many times. The last four digits of it are 3-8-2-5. Convert that to letters and it spells F-U-C-K! It's definitely not a number that I would forget.
Relieved that Jack was not actually calling me, I still wonder who the strangely familiar number in my phone belongs to and who put it in there. A little more scrolling through my phone's directory, and I discover that the listing for Mike's cell phone is missing. The pieces of the puzzle fall together. While I was napping, Mike changed his name in my directory to that of one of my least favorite people in the world, then he calls me...