I was saddened to learn that this sweet little ball of fluff who had been featured in my December 2004 26 Things died yesterday of cancer. Fortunately she did not suffer very long. She first showed signs of illness on Wednesday. I will miss her very much. Seldom did a day go by these last seven years that she wasn't waiting for me (and her treat) in the yard of her Victory Hill home.
But no matter how much I miss her, it will not be as much as her owner does. Xena was companion to an elderly lady who told me of her beloved pet's death today with tears in her eyes. She said that she was much to old to get another dog. I didn't know what to say. I hope that she changes her mind as her grief ebbs. No one is ever too old for a canine companion in my opinion, but for now I think I may just have a print made of this picture and frame it for her...