My Boss Can Go To Hell!
I arrived at work yesterday in a perfectly good mood. Alas, that changed very quickly. Why? My idiot boss! Here is what happened...
I gather my mail for sorting, put on my headphones, turn on the MP3 player, and begin doing my job. The music keeps me happy by blocking out the the horrible sounds coming from the office radio and any unpleasant conversations going on between other employees. Inadvertantly, I commit what my boss considers to be a no-no, I sing!
He comes over to my case (cubical for sorting mail, for the postally illiterate) and says, "Could you please stop singing?!" Embarassed, I complied. It was not until later that I began to get angry, very angry!
He had no fucking right to ask me to stop. I don't care if I sounded like a wolf howling at the moon! I was not violating any office policy. There is no rule against singing in the office, no matter how bad it is. There are, however rules against discussing politics and religion. I have heard many a heated argument over these topics among the MEN in our office, yet he never asked THEM to stop. When a fellow (male) employee made remarks to the order that racial profiling was just good police work, he was not told to keep his racist views to himself. Yet I am not allowed to SING?!?!
It's not as if I was singing along with Wild Horses on Never Going Home...
"I'm a bad motherfucker with a chip on my brain...".
The disc that I was playing was mostly Scorpions. Klaus doesn't even KNOW that word. The worst I've ever heard him say was son-of-a-bitch in Taxman Woman, and that song wasn't even on there!
Since there was no offensive language in any of the songs that I was singing, I can only conclude that it was my actual singing that he found to be so offensive. To that I say tough fucking shit! If you don't like it go lock yourself in your office or get your own headset to block me out.
And so I have dicided that tomorrow the MP3 player will once again be turned on. It's my music and I'llsing if I want to...
If that fat-ass son of a bitch tells me to stop, I have my speech prepared. I will inform him of how he never made an effort to stop blatantly unethical conversations among the men in the office. I will inform him that he let racist comments made by men go ignored. I will ask him if he sees a pattern there and if he would like to talk to the people from NOW or the ACLU about this...
I betcha that stops him from pissing in MY cheerios again!
Dammit! I WILL SING!!!