1. What season are you in right now? It is spring, although you wouldn't know it from the weather that we had today, 39°F and snowing!
2. Do you celebrate anything special this time of year? Easter and my dad's and "The Estranged One's" birthdays...
3. Name 3 things that come to mind when you think of spring. Tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths!
4. In the current season, about how many hours of the day are daylight hours? According to the people at Yahoo! Weather there will be approximately 14 hours and 40 minutes of daylight today.
5. Do you do any 'spring cleaning?' What?! Me clean! That's Michael's job...
6. Do you wash your own car or take it to the car wash? Neither, it's the dirt that keeps it from falling apart!
7. Do you hang your laundry out on a clothesline on nice days? Working sixdays a week prevents me from doing this. I get home from work too late for laundry to dry on a clothesline outside, and I refuse to do laundry on my one lonely day off!
8. Post a picture that reflects the current season where you live.