Thursday Bookworm
"In the case of good books, the point is not how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you."
~ Mortimer Adler ~
This week, some general questions about why we choose the books that we read (or why they choose us).
1. Have you ever read a book that has changed your life in some way? Has it altered your outlook, or made you think about something you never considered before?
I've read quite a few books by the former Episcopal bishop John Shelby Spong. His books on Christianity are great. His approach to interpetating the Bible takes into consideration many things besides the literally written word, such as the common styles of writing and religious traditions at the time the individual books of the Bible were written. By looking at the Bilble in this manner, our faith can be allowed to grow and change as our knowledge of humanity and the world around us changes. His works were real eye openers for me. I think that they are a must read for any Christian who is having doubts about her faith in the light of modern knowledge.
2. Along the same lines, do you seek out books that make you think, or do you mainly read for entertainment?
I'd have to say that I do a bit of both. I read to be entertained, but I also want the books that I read to make me think. This is why I am so fond of science fiction. On the other hand, romantic fluff bores me. I seldom ever read it.
3. Do you let a critical review influence your own opinion of a book? Do you ever choose books based solely on a review or a critique that you've read?
Since critics and I seldom agree on what is good and what is not, I don't pay much attention to their opinions. If a book looks like it might be interesting to me, I read it regardless of critical opinions.
4. Are you influenced by bestseller lists? Do you generally read the "buzzed-about" books that everyone's talking about?
I read based upon my own likes and dislikes. Best seller lists seldom influence my reading. However, if everyone truly is talking about a certain book, I may read it just out of curiosity. Such was the case with The Satanic Verses back in the day when its autor received death threats from the Islamic community.
5. When you go to your favorite bookstore, are you going to look at one specific section or to find one specific book, or do you browse through the entire store? Do you ever find a book simply by browsing the shelves? Do you ever pick up a staff-recommended book?
I usually head straight for the science fiction section to look for new books by my favorite authors. Sometimes a book of a different type will catch my eye along the way, and I will decide to purchase it. I have never asked a staff person in a book store for a recomendation, so I guess that I've never read a staff recommended book. There's a first time for everything, though...
Bonus: What is your favorite bookstore, and why?
I suppose that Walden Books is my favorite book store, merely out of convenience. There is one in just about every mall.