When I went to work yesterday, I was greeted by the ravings of the office lunatic (read "Republican") of how all of the rest of us were a bunch of fools for supporting John Kerry. His ravings were were loud and insulting. Several of us reported his behavior to management, since politics and religion are topics that are supposed to be off limits in our workplace. Unfortunately, management chose to do nothing about this extremely unpleasant situation. Perhaps they are Bush supporters...
In anger I stomped out of the office to my car. I retrieved my personal CD player and Scorpions CDs. I stomped back into the office to the cubicle where I sort the mail for my route. I slapped on the headphones and turned the volume up all the way. Ah! Savage Amusement , what blessed relief! I felt the urge to sing along with Klaus, and so I did!
"Passion rules the game
Yeah, yeah! Oooo...
I ain't got no control
When my heart's in flames."
I hope that I sounded terrible! It was fitting punishment for that idiot to have to listen to me!
Tee hee! One of the ladies who works with me told me that she really enjoyed my singing! She said that it was the happiest she had heard me be in ages!
The whole incident at the office has put me in the mood to rant politically. Please forgive me. I support John Kerry 100%! My reasons are many, some silly and frivolous, some based on the facts as I see them and quite politically valid. Here they are:
Reasons That Lady Starlight Is Voting For John Kerry

1. John Kerry is better looking than George W. Bush. I think that I would prefer to look at him for the next four years! This is one of the silly reasons that I was talking about, I admit it.
2. John Kerry is a Vietnam vet. These guys hold a very special place in my heart. If you're reading this and you are a Vietnam vet, all I have to say is, "I love you!"

It's about time that someone told you guys this!
3. The war in Iraq is unjust. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Who would be better to lead our nation out of such an unjust war than a man who has experienced one first hand?
4. George W. Bush would like to take away the rights of workers to receive overtime pay. I can only receive this for three weeks out of the year under our union's contract with the USPS. It is one of the very few bright spots in the long and difficult Christmas mailing season. I work damned hard for that extra pay. I don't want some spoiled little rich boy taking it away from me.
5. I care about what the other nations in this world think about the U. S. The war in Iraq has caused us to look like a bunch of war mongers to everyone except Great Britain and Poland. (Can't forget Poland!) This must be changed.
6. I feel that George W. Bush's so-called values are a threat to our right to religious freedom. The United States of America not supposed to be a "Christian Nation." Religious freedom encompasses ALL religions and non-religions, not just the Judeo-Christian ones!
7. I support the right of gay people to be married. We are talking about civil unions here! The separation of church and state demands that this be allowed. The living arrangements of gay couples are the same as those of heterosexual couples. They deserve the same rights!
8. George W. Bush supports the death penalty. I do not! Christ was crucified. Isn't that enough to convince you that the death penalty is wrong?!
Three very dear members of my family were murdered when I was a little girl. I never had the desire to see the people who were responsible for this put to death.
9. What has W. done to improve the health care situation in this nation? Nothing, nada, zip! It's time for a change!
10. Bush claims to have created jobs in our nation during his term. Such a shame that they all pay minimum wage! I challenge you all to try to feed a family on that measly sum!
11. A final silly reason. I like Theresa Heinz-Kerry. I think that this nation needs a first lady who is not afraid to say what is on her mind, in spades! You go, girl!
There you have it, eleven of my reasons for voting for John Kerry. Argue with me all you like, but you're not going to change my mind!
In closing, I wopuld like to remind all Kerry supporters to get out and vote on Tuesday, but if you are a Bush supporter, do us all a favor and stay home!