I'm So Happy For You, Miss Moody Bitch! Really, I am...
It was so nice of you to let us know about the excellent seats you got for the Atlantic city show. I wouldn't expect you to settle for anything less than front row center. You are such a ! But what I would like to know is this. What did you do to raise the money to purchase them? Sell your body... Scratch that, no one would want it! Perhaps you sold your firstborn. That would be a good thing. The child will be much better off with its new owners. They might even posess functional brains. You say that you are looking forward to seeing us at the show. I'll be looking forward to it as well. I've never met anyone who enjoyed being called a brainless idiot quite as much as you! How many times are you going to visit my January archive? It isn't going to change. But more so than meeting you, I am looking forward to feasting my eyes upon something such as this...