I'm getting really sick of hearing about this! It seems that there are some who would like to see those words removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. As much as I hate to admit it, they are right. Putting aside the whole issue of seperation of church and state, there is one other very significant reason that those words should not be included. They were not in the pledge as it was written originally. The words were added in 1954. Why not just go back to the way that it was written in the first place and have done with it? I know that some of you are saying, "Lady Starlight is anti-god!" but this is not the case. I just happen to think that if we are truly to have religious freedom and seperation of church and state, we should not be invoking God in a pledge to our flag. Freedom of religion does imply the freedom not to worship as well. We should all learn to respect each other's beliefs and quit trying to force ours down other people's throats. One can have a strong sense of duty towards one's country without having a belief in God. *End of Rant*