This one has to win the prize for stupid holidays. It started out as a simple church holiday, the feast day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It has now gone totally out of control. The greeting card people just had to get in on this one.They could never let a holiday, no matter how insignificant, go by without creating multitudes of cards for it. They will continue to do so for as long as people are stupid enough to send them But, the main activity that occurs on St. Patrick's Day is this I'm not quite certain how this tradition began. Unless... Perhaps after chasing all of those nasty snakes out of Ireland, St. Patrick felt the need to have a few good stiff drinks! I know that I most certainly would. But, really... GREEN BEER! EWWWWWW!
They say that everybody is Irish on St. Patrick's Day. I wouldn't be too sure about that. I don't feel any more Irish today than I do on any other given day. How Irish is that? NOT AT ALL! Why on earth would I want to associate myself with the people who gave us riverdance? Still, I suppose that I shall wear my bright green sweater in honor of the occasion. Perhaps I'll even stop at Mickey D's and have one of those shamrock shakes. They are a lot more appetizing than green beer, and they won't give you a hangover. I'll even make this guy my official smiley of the day.