And what is it that causes me such fear? Could it possibly be this man?
"Who is this man?" You ask. Why it is no one other than the Scorpions new bass player, Pawel Maciwoda. My greatest fears have been realized. Born in 1967, he is nearly twenty years younger than Klaus and Rudolf! I think that he may have stolen the official freak of the band title away from James Kottak! Not an easy task, I assure you! I am tempted to run off to LA and beg Ralph to reconsider his decision. I liked Ralph. I miss Ralph. I WANT HIM BACK!!!
My Moody Plans
The tickets for the Atlantic City Moody Blues concert go on sale on Monday. I am starting to get a bit excited. I have taken Monday off work so that The Music Whore and I may have an online ticket buying party.(How many times do I have to tell you people, we are NOT the same person!) Monday at 10 AM EDT, we shall coverge upon the ticket buying site. Whoever is able to procure the best seats gets to buy them. I was even able to get us a decent vehicle to use for the trip. No need to rent a car. The estranged one has agreed to allow me the use of his car for the trip. I didn't even have to put up a fight. He didn't even ask me to do the unthinkable () with him! This confuses me. I know that this is not going to be without cost. He conceded to me so easily, there must be something that he wants. While dicussing this with a friend this morning I suggested that he may not have demanded said payment yet because he did not have the proper items on hand.(Oh, come now! You know what items I mean!) My friend suggested that perhaps he had already used the hand! Heheheh!