It has been so long since you visited here, Miss Moody Bitch, that I thought that you had lost interest in my boring life. This made me so sad. But I see now that I was mistaken. So, in honor of your return, I'm posting my plans for this summer. I'm quite certain you shall enjoy reading about them!
Since it seems that a US tour for The Scorpions is not in the making for at least the early part of this summer and I unfortunately do not have the three thousand dollars and ability to say "Please, help me. I'm lost!" in German that I would need to see them on their home turf, I feel the need to find another way to amuse myself. After a bit of thought, it occured to me that seeing not one, but two, Moody Blues shows would be an excellent way compensate for the void left by the lack of US Scorpions tour dates! John Lodge is nearly as lovely as Matthias and Klaus, with the added plus of the fact that he gives great hugs! Pittsburgh and Atlantic City are definitely do-able. I can scrounge up the money for these shows somehow. I most certainly could use another John hug! The Music Whore will, of course be accompanying me to these shows. (No, you silly little twit, we are not the same person!) And now, for your viewing pleasure, I give you a photo of the lovely John Lodge from the "December" tour!
*Grumble, Grumble* I can just hear you now... I'm "stealing" those pictures again!