1. Do you ever use all caps when typing online messages? Sometimes, for emphasis, but not often.
2. Does it bother you when other people use all caps in their messages? Yes ALL CAPS = SCREAMING
3. Do you use abbreviations (i.e. lol, brb, etc.) when typing email messages or text messages? I do use them occasionally, but only sparingly for emphasis. Used too frequently, these also can be very annoying.
4. Do you ever receive faxes or other correspondence from a professional office that are typed in all caps? If so, what do you think of that? Yes, I have. Probably because some pencil pushing moron in the USPS didn't know how to turn off the 'caps lock'.
5. Do you rely on the computer program to catch your typing errors, or do you proofread your material before sending it out? If I'm not certain of a spelling, I may use a program, but it's usually pointless. Spell check hates proper names and foreign words and seldom ever gives good suggestions for words that I've really misspelled! Mostly I proofread myself... Yeah, lots of silly typos get by me, just so you'll know that I'm human!