The Meme Mistress is still in a rather loopy Valentine's Day mood.
Top Five Sexy Lyrics.... and tell us why you find 'em sexy
1. Rhythm Of Love - Scorpions "The rhythm of love keeps me dancing on the road The rhythm of love has got the groove that hits the bone..." Sexy or just plain dirty, does it really matter?
2. I Want You To Want Me - Cheap Trick "I want you to want me I need you to need me I love you to love me..." You can't get much sexier than that!
3. No One Like You - Scorpions "There's no one like you I can't wait for the nights with you I imagine the things that you do..." Ooooo....The things that you do!
4. I'm Gonna Make You Mine - Michael Schenker Group Just hearing Michael introduce a song with this title (and lyrics) causes me to melt to a quivering pile of mush!
5. All Night - Def Leppard Hmmm... Sexy lyrics or just all of those orgasmic sounds that Joe Elliot makes while singing that he wants to do it all night...? No matter, it's damned sexy!