Saturday 8
It's all about wine, fashion, and song this week!
1. Wine: Which do you prefer ... reds or whites, or perhaps something different, like a dessert/ice wine?
I prefer white fruity wimes, but quite truthfully, I've never met a wine that I didn't like!
2. Beer: What kind of beer, if any, do you prefer?
I just discovered an interesting new brew today, made by the Abita Brewery in America, called Purple Haze, a wheat brew with a touch of raspberry. Yummy!
3. Spirits: Are you a hard-liquor drinker? if so, what kind(s)? if not, why not?
I've always had a reputation for being a human booze disposal unit. Vodka and tequila are my favorite hard liquours, but I'm game for anything. This addictive personality is always hopping on and off the wagon, and doesn't even much care anymore...
4. My wine bar opens in a few weeks, and The Husband thinks I have too many people to invite to the grand opening. Should I brown-nose and keep my bosses on the guest list, or should I forget them and just stick with my good friends (the bosses will probably overhear people talking about the opening).
It's always a good idea to keep the bosses happy (even if they are the biggest morons on the planet). I'd invite them to avoid any hard feelings.
5. When you drink alcohol (or in the past, if you are currently a non-drinker), what types of snacks or foods do you like to have while you drink ... and are their certain 'pairings' you prefer?
I like a little bit of cheese to go with my wine, and it's nice to have a big thick pretzel with a beer, but it is not absolutely necessary.
6. Are you going to watch the Oscars this weekend? Why or why not?
I never watch award shows, because I don't believe that the awards are given to people who truly deserve them. I also hate listening to long, self-serving acceptence speeches...
7. Are you interested in any of the red carpet styles that happen at awards shows?
Only if there is something there that is so hideously ugly that everyone there bursts into fits of hysterical laughter upon seeing it....
8. Even if it involves resurrecting Jim Morrison or Bob Marley from the dead, which musical artist/group would you die to see live?
I don't have to resurrect anyone, I just have to get somebody to pay his back child support...

Michael, darling, PLEASE!!!!