1. Do you own any box sets of your favorite shows? Not at the present time, but if I ever get my hands on some extra cash, I'd like to buy a boxed set of Monkees episodes.
2. Are you penpals with other people? Email pals, yes. Penpals, no! As a mail carrier, the thought of writing an actual letter makes me ill!
3. Do you still send out real, paper cards in the mail? Only to people who don't have email, and only on VERY special occasions (See explaination in question 2).
4. Have you ever bought or sold anything on Ebay? I've bought, but I've never sold. Klaus, my six string acoustic guitar, was purchased on Ebay!
5. Did you have to set your clocks an hour ahead this past weekend? ~yawns~ Yes!
6. How many of your blog buddies' birthdays do you know? Except for Andrea's, no one's. That is why I have Birthday Alarm reminders sent to me. I'm terrible at remembering dates.
7. When is your birthday (need not include year)? Erm... I stopped having birthdays when I turned 29. If I don't have a birthday, I won't get any older. Right? But since I like getting gifts, I DO celebrate "Buy Lady Starlight A Present Day" on November 20, the date of that birthday that I no longer have...