1. Do you use a bag/sachel/wallet? I prefer to call it a purse, and I'd be lost without it!
2. Do you use the same bag/sachel/wallet everyday or change depending on your outfit? I usually carry the same purse every day, until it falls apart! An excwption may be made for formal occasions.
3. What do you carry in your bag/sachel/wallet? I have been accused of having everything except the kitchen in there! If I could fit it in there, I'd probably be carrying it around too.
4. Do you check and change the contents of your bag/sachel/wallet before you go anywhere specific or do you take everything everywhere? I check to be sure that what I need is in there. I seldom remove anything, unless it is getting too full.
5. How often do you have a good clean out of your bag/sachel/wallet? Not often enough. I think that there might be something living in there...