It has been called to my attention by my favorite blogstalker that if I post any more "stolen" concert photos of the Moody Blues, legal action will be taken. I am trembling in fear!
Why am I taking this I don't give a damn attitude? It could be because of the following message that appears either on concert tickets or on a sign at the venue (or both) for virtually every concert...
No audio or video recording devices or cameras
You see, quite technically, all of their concert photos are illegal, an infringement on the copyright of the material being performed, because of this message. So, if little Ms. Moody Muffin wants to try to sue me for demarking and posting her illegal concert photos, she can go right ahead and try!
And now I give you a before and after...
Ode To A Watermark (Revised)
Moody fans far and near Gather 'round and listen here. Justin is a beautiful sight. Why on his image must you write?
Moodies' concert, you were there Taking pictures, not to share. Post them on the boards you do Defiled by the name of YOU!
But worry not, oh Justin fans Photoshop is in my hands. The writing is no longer there And now this photo I will SHARE!!!