1. What time of year do you blog the most? I usually post at least once a day all year round, unless I am away from home. The time of year doesn't effect my posting as much as what is going on in my life. I tend to have more to blog about around the times of important (to me) events.
2. What time of year do you seem to blog the least? See the answer to question 1.
3. What time of DAY do you do your most blogging? Since I work during the day, most of my blogging is done in the evening.
4. When blog-hopping, do you tend to look at your blogroll list (or fave blogs) to see which ones have been updated, or do you visit your faves on a regular basis regardless? I don't have a blogroll, per se, just a list of self created links, so I have no way of knowing who has updated until I visit. I try to visit all of my blogger buddies at least once a week.
5. Do you change your blogroll often? I change my friends and family links as I meet new people. I tend to be slow to remove links to blogs that have become outdated though.
6. How many times a day, after writing a new post, do you check for new comments? I've never really counted! Probably about three or four times for a normal post. More often for posts to Foto Pherrets or posts that I think might draw the attention of my many lovely blogstalkers.
7. Do you leave comments on others' blogs, or are you more of a lurker? I comment when I feel that I have something to say. If I just want to say hi, I'm more likely to leave a tag. Sometimes I just lurk...