Big Brother is watching. That is the Moody Bitch's latest message to me. Well, sort of. She's watching me, she says. Like as if she hasn't been watching me for the past two years already, the fucking blogstalker!
Well, let's see if "the enlightened one" (one of many aliases she has used in the past) can figure out the password to view this blog. Yeah, she's so enlightened that she still hasn't figured out the concept of IP addresses. Aliases are useless. I know who she is, despite her claims otherwise. Her location gives her away. I can also find out how she gets here and stop her in her tracks. She leaves a trail, just like the rat that she is! Big Brother may be watching me, but Little Sister is watching her!
And now for some of my infamous objectionable content, my Hump Day hunks ("stolen" photos).
Matthias Jabs, my favorite Hump Day hunk. I could list a whole bunch of "objectionable" things that I'd like to do with him, but that would open a whole new can of worms with some of my other blogstalker friends! Suffice it to say, I'd like to lick him all over!
Justin Hayward. Poor Justin! He signed on to be a rock star and got stuck with a bunch of nasty fans who care more about their bootleg concert photos than they do about him!
This concludes my objectionable content for today...