Another Crazy Day
Sometimes life likes to throw you as many curves as it can. Today was one of those days.It all started with the weather...
Yesterday was a beautifl day. The sun was shining, temperatures were in the 70s. This morning I awoke to temperatures in the 30s, sleet, and winds strong enough to send a small child off to the land of Oz! Spring is supposed to be arriving on Monday. I certainy hope that the weather soon realizes this. I am so sick of being cold.
My car is still in the shop. I've talked to the mechanic (finally), and he's promised to get it fixed ASAP, but at this point I just don't believe him. So for now I am still stuck depending on other people to get me to where I need to go.Which brings about bit #2 of today's craziness...
Grandma was 99 on Friday. Today she had an appointment to see her doctor. It was in the afternoon, so I knew I would be waiting until she was finished there to get a ride home from work. When Grandma arrived at the doctor's office, they discovered that she was retaining large amounts of fluid. She was admitted to the hospital for observation. I was left waiting in the cold for my ride for quite a while with the added extra of worrying about the state of Grandma's health.
Grandma is doing well, but this really terrifies me. I know that she is 99 years old. I know that I will not have her forever. I cannot imagine life without her. I want to have that big bash for her next year for her birthday #100! I don't need any nasty reality interfering with my plans. Grandama WILL be there next year, dammit!
Bit of craziness #3 comes from my best buddy, Pam.Life just doesn't want to give that poor girl a break. It seems that abusive friend that she is living with has thrown her out of the house again. I offered her a bed in my home, but she would not stay. She knows that she cannot stay with me for an extended period, so she's probably going to go begging back to her abuser. It's a catch 22 situation. She really has no place to go. She doesn't have enough money to afford a place of her own and the women's shelter has refused to take her in again because she continues to go back to the abusive situation. I calmed her down a bit, but I worry about her so...
I do so hope things look better for all of us tomorrow.
And now for a bit of beauty to bring me joy...

Gary Puckett, 62 and still sexy as hell!